Alexa Phrasing
The phrases that Alexa can recognize are limited. If you are having trouble getting Alexa to do what you want, or you are just not sure how to talk to her, below is the complete list of phrases that Alexa understands.
Using the Hatch Rest+ Alexa Skill
To get started, ask your Alexa device to turn on the Hatch skill. Alexa should say “I’m ready with Hatch, do you want to talk about feeding, sleeps, or diapers, or would you like to control your Rest+?”
Answer “control your Rest+”. Alexa will then give you a few example commands, and here are some more to try out:
General recipe for commands:
“Tell Hatch + action + device”
Your Rest+ can be referred to by, “Rest Plus”, “Rest”, “night light”, “lamp”, “sound machine”, “hatch”, and “hatch rest”.
Turning Device On/Off
“Tell Hatch to turn Rest {on/off}”
“Tell Hatch to turn the Rest Plus {on/off}”
“Tell Hatch to turn {on/off} my night light”
“Tell Hatch turn sound machine {on/off}”
“Tell Hatch turn {on/off} my hatch baby”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in “on” or “off”, in order to turn your Rest+ on or off.
Turning Sound On/Off
“Tell Hatch to turn volume {on/off}”
“Tell Hatch to turn {on/off} the volume on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to turn volume {on/off} on Rest”
“Tell Hatch turn the volume {on/off} on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch turn {on/off} the volume night light”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in “on” or “off”, in order to turn your Rest+ volume on or off.
Turning Sound Up/Down
“Tell Hatch to turn volume {up/down}”
“Tell Hatch to turn {up/down} the volume on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to turn volume {up/down} on Rest”
“Tell Hatch turn the volume {up/down} on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch turn {up/down} the volume on night light”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in “up” or “down”, in order to turn your Rest+ volume louder or quieter incrementally.
Turning Sound to Specific Volume
“Tell Hatch to set volume to {volume number}”
“Tell Hatch to set the volume to {volume number} on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to set Rest to volume {volume number}”
“Tell Hatch set the volume to {volume number} on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch set the hatch baby to volume {volume number}”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in a volume percentage between 0 and 10, in order to turn your Rest+ volume level as desired.
Changing Track by Order
“Tell Hatch to play the {next/previous} track”
“Tell Hatch to play the {next/previous} song”
“Tell Hatch to play the {next/previous} sound”
“Tell Hatch to play {next/previous} track”
Say a phrase similar to these, substituting in “previous” or “next”, in order to switch through the soundtracks on your Rest+.
Changing Track by Number
“Tell Hatch to play track {track number}”
“Tell Hatch to play track number {track number}”
“Tell Hatch to play song {track number}”
“Tell Hatch to play sound number {track number}”
Say a phrase similar to these, substituting in a track number, in order to change the sound on your Rest+. A detailed chart of the sounds is found in the Appendix.
Turning Brightness Off
“Tell Hatch to turn brightness off”
“Tell Hatch to turn off the brightness on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to turn brightness off on Rest”
“Tell Hatch turn the brightness off on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch turn off the brightness on night light”
Say a phrase similar to these in order to turn the light on your Rest+ off.
Turning Brightness Up/Down
“Tell Hatch to turn brightness {up/down}”
“Tell Hatch to turn {up/down} the brightness on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to turn brightness {up/down} on Rest”
“Tell Hatch turn the brightness {up/down} on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch turn {up/down} the brightness on night light”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in “up” or “down”, in order to turn your Rest+ brightness louder or quieter incrementally.
Turning Light to Specific Brightness
“Tell Hatch to set brightness to {brightness number}”
“Tell Hatch to set the brightness to {brightness number} on the Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch to set Rest to brightness {brightness number}”
“Tell Hatch set the brightness to {brightness number} on my sound machine”
“Tell Hatch set the hatch to brightness {brightness number}”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in a brightness percentage between 0 and 10, in order to turn your Rest+ volume level as desired.
Setting Light Color
“Tell Hatch to turn rest {color}”
“Tell Hatch to turn my Rest Plus {color}”
“Tell Hatch to set the color to {color} on Rest”
“Tell Hatch set the color to {color} on the sound machine”
“Tell Hatch set the color on night light to {color}”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in a color name, in order to turn your Rest+ to whatever color you want. A complete list of colors can be found in the Appendix, but you can try out any basic color (blue, green, red, pink, orange) as well as more specific ones (bisque, papaya whip, powder blue).
Setting Timer
“Tell Hatch to set the timer for {timer duration}”
“Tell Hatch to set timer to {timer duration}”
“Tell Hatch to set a timer for {timer duration}”
“Tell Hatch set a timer”
“Tell Hatch set the timer”
Say a phrase that similar to these, substituting in the timer duration in minutes, in order to turn your Rest+ timer on.
Stopping the Timer
“Tell Hatch stop timer”
“Tell Hatch to stop the timer on my Rest Plus”
“Tell Hatch cancel the timer on the night light”
“Tell Hatch to cancel timer on hatch baby”
“Tell Hatch cancel timer on my sound machine”
Say a phrase that similar to these in order to stop any timers currently active on your Rest+.
Color Guide for Rest+:
"alice blue" "antique white" "aqua" "aquamarine" "azure" "beige" "bisque" "black" "blanched almond" "blue" "blue violet" "brown" "burlywood" "cadet blue" "chartreuse" "chocolate" "coral" "cornflower blue" "cornsilk" "crimson" "cyan" "dark blue" "dark cyan" "dark goldenrod" "dark gray" "dark grey" "dark green" "dark khaki" "dark magenta" "dark olive green" "dark orange" "dark orchid" "dark red" "dark salmon" "dark sea green" "dark slate blue" "dark slate gray" "dark slate grey" "dark turquoise" "dark violet" "deep pink" "deep sky blue" "dim gray" "dim grey" "dodger blue" "fire brick" "floral white" "forest green" "fuchsia" |
"ghost white" "gold" "goldenrod" "gainsboro" "gray" "grey" "green" "green yellow" "honeydew" "hot pink" "indian red" "indigo" "ivory" "khaki" "lavender" "lavender blush" "lawn green" "lemon chiffon" "light blue" "light coral" "light cyan" "light goldenrod yellow" "light gray" "light grey" "light green" "light pink" "light salmon" "light sea green" "light sky blue" "light yellow" "lime" "lime green" "linen" "magenta" "maroon" "medium aquamarine" "medium blue" "medium orchid" "medium purple" "medium sea green" "medium slate blue" "medium spring green" "medium turquoise" "medium violet red" "midnight blue" "light slate gray" "light slate grey" "light steel blue" "mint cream" |
"misty rose" "moccasin" "navajo white" "navy" "old lace" "olive" "olive drab" "orange" "orange red" "orchid" "pale goldenrod" "pale green" "pale turquoise" "pale violet red" "papaya whip" "peach puff" "peru" "pink" "plum" "powder blue" "purple" "red" "rosy brown" "royal blue" "saddle brown" "salmon" "sandy brown" "sea green" "sea shell" "sienna" "silver" "sky blue" "slate blue" "slate gray" "slate grey" "snow" "spring green" "steel blue" "tan" "teal" "thistle" "tomato" "turquoise" "violet" "wheat" "white" "white smoke" "yellow" "yellow green" |
Audio Tracks:
Track Number | Audio |
2 | Water Stream |
3 | TV |
4 | Washing Machine |
5 | Ocean Waves |
6 | Wind |
7 | Rain |
9 | Birds |
10 | Crickets |
11 | Brahm’s Lullaby |
13 | Twinkle Twinkle Little Star |
14 | Rockabye Baby |
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