Need to make changes to your routine? It's easy to make those changes from the Hatch Sleep app!
- To access the Edit menu, just tap the 3 dots on the top right of any card on your home screen to access the edit menu.
Menu options include:
Edit - Opens the edit screen for this step of your routine which include:
- Add to Touch Ring
- Add to Schedule
- Start Time
- Days
- Name of step
- Duration
- Sound
- Light
- Enable/Disable - Disables or enables this step of your routine. Disabled steps are removed from your Touch Ring and Schedule, but not deleted entirely.
- Move Up - (Touch Ring tab only) Moves your routine up a position on your Touch Ring.
- Move Down - (Touch Ring tab only) Moves your routine down a position on your Touch Ring.
- Duplicate - Duplicates all steps in your routine and opens the edit screen for you to make additional adjustments.
- Delete - Deletes this step of your routine. You will be prompted to confirm.
Still need help? Get in touch with Hatch Support. Head to the top menu to send us a message!
Hi there! I can help!