Having trouble getting your Rest Go to turn on? Please try resetting it by completing the following steps:
1. Plug in your Rest Go- you should see a yellow light turn on once you have plugged in your Rest Go. Charge your Rest Go until you see the green light. If you don't see the yellow light, try changing the outlet that your Rest Go is plugged into.
2. After the device is fully charged, reset device by pressing + and - at the same time.
3. If still not turning on, please try resetting Rest Go while it is still plugged in.
If you are not seeing any light when attempting to charge, or your Rest Go is still not turning on, head to the top menu to send us a message!
When you reach out, please let us know the following in your message:
- Did anything happened to your Rest Go before the device stopped working?
- When you plug your Rest Go in to charge, does the battery light turn on? (The light is located on the top of your Rest Go.)
- If you saw that light, please let us know what color the light was.