Are you trying to connect to your Hatch and getting this error? We can help you get it resolved!
Connecting for the first time?
Is this a new device you purcahsed from an authorized retailer and this is the first time you or someone in your household has connected? Use the button in the app to submit a help request- our team will get you up and running as quickly as possible!
Already set up?
Have you or someone in your household already set up the Hatch, but you are seeing this error? Here's a few things to check:
- Are you logged into the same Hatch Sleep account that you used to set the device up with? If not, try logging into that account and attempting to connect again.
- Are you trying to connect to a device someone in your household already set up? If the device is a Restore or Restore 2- you will need to be logged into the same Hatch Sleep account that was used to set up the device originally. If you are trying to connect to a Rest+, Rest Mini, Rest 2nd gen, or Rest+ 2nd gen the person who set up the device originally will just need to invite you to be a user of the device!
Here’s how to do it!
Ask the primary owner to:
- Go to Settings in the Hatch Sleep app
- Select the device they want to share
- On the device settings page, under “Access” tap on “Add a caretaker"
- Enter your email address (make sure it matches the email you used for your Hatch Sleep account!) and then click “Invite”
Once you have been invited to a device, you will receive an email letting you know you’ve been granted access.
Still need help or have questions? Head to the top to send us a message!