Are you running into some issues connecting? Often times a small adjustment to your network set up will help you get up and running!
This checklist will walk you through the main causes for connection issues and walk you through how to fix them!
Can't Register this Hatch?
If you are seeing this error, that means that your Hatch was used previously used. There are a few reasons you may see this error:
- Was your Hatch registered by another member of your household? If you think that's a possibility, feel free to reach out to us so we can help!
- Did you recently get a new phone or get logged out of the Hatch Sleep app? It's possible that you may have set up a second Hatch account by mistake and we are happy to investigate!
- Did you receive your Hatch from a friend or buy it second hand? Our team will need to disconnect it from the original owner's account. Reach out to us and let us know that you received a Hatch second hand and we will get that taken care of for you.
- Did you purchase the device new from a retailer, and you are still seeing this message? Send us a quick message and let us know the retailer you purchased it from, along with a copy of your receipt and we will get it addressed for you.
Bluetooth Errors:
Are you seeing this error in the Hatch Sleep app? This means that there is an error with the Bluetooth. While your Hatch doesn't use Bluetooth once it's connected, it will use your phone's Bluetooth to be "found" so that you can connect it to your WiFi network. If you are seeing a Bluetooth error, you can check the following things:
- Make sure your phone's Bluetooth is on
- Make sure your phone is charged and not in low power
- Make sure your phone is not in airplane mode
- If you have an Android device, you can clear your Bluetooth cache
- If your Hatch is near other electronics, try to move your Hatch away from those other devices and try to connect again.
Non-Bluetooth Connection Error:
Are you seeing a different error? You can check on the following things to see if you can get the issues resolved:
- Have you tried connecting to your Hatch while it's right next to your router? If not, go ahead and give that a try!
- Make sure to verify your password. You can do this by going into your phone's settings and forgetting your WiFi network, then try to join the network again.
- Is your WiFi network appearing as an option? If not, it might not be a compatible network. You can view the What does my Hatch require for a connection? article for more details.
- Is your WiFi network a 2.4GHz network? Your Hatch does require a 2.4GHz network.
- If you have a combined 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz network- be sure to view our Combined Network Tips article for some troubleshooting tips.
- If you have a 5.0GHz network only, be sure to view our What does my Hatch require for a connection? article for some troubleshooting tips.
- Do you have a password on your network? If not, be sure to check out the What does my Hatch require for a connection article for some troubleshooting tips.
- Do you have the following special characters in the network name or password: / \ or " ?
- If you do, be sure to view our What does my Hatch require for a connection article for some troubleshooting tips.
- Do you have a network name or password longer than 17 characters?
- If your network name or password is longer, be sure to view our What does my Hatch require for a connection article for some troubleshooting tips.
- Are you trying to connect using a community WiFi? Also known as a captive portal network, these are commonly found in hotels, apartments, universities, and airports.
- Unfortunately our devices are not compatible with this type of network and you will not be able to connect. With this type of networks, each device that is attempting to connect must access a web page through a web browser in order to access the network. Because your Hatch does not have a web browser on the device, it's not possible to connect to this type of network.
- Do you have any extenders or mesh points in your WiFi network set up?
- If yes, make sure to view our Troubleshooting Mesh Networks article.
- Is your router's firmware updated? If not, go ahead and make sure to update the firmware.
- Are you using the default network name and password that came with your router? When you first set up your WiFi router, it comes with a default network name and password (usually printed on the bottom of your router). For security purposes, we would recommend updating your network name and password.
If you have tried all of the above suggestions and are still seeing an error, please head to the top menu and send us a message!